Warlock Mount Service

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What is the Warlock Mount Service?

In order to obtain the mighty flaming Dreadsteed, you need to do a series of quests (and tons of gold) which end in Dire Maul West. This last quest requires you to start an event in Diremaul West. In this event you will have to summon the fire pony, in order to obtain your summoning spell.

Now, the heart of the matter is: for this event to happen, you need 3 items, all three cost 250g total...250g wow... Too much after you have already spent 150g and a bit more on the rest of the quest, right?! Well, good news, these items can be re-used by another warlock who does the event with and for you! This means you will save a lot of gold if you use such service.

Is There Anyone Out There Willing to Help Me?!

If you are looking for someone providing the service, make a copy of the following:

Mount Service Spreadsheet
  1. After pressing the link you will be prompted to make a copy, press the blue "Make a Copy" Button.
  2. Next you need to select your game version, region, faction and realm.
  3. DONE! All people that offer the service for your are listed.
  4. Contact them in game or via discord and get your Diremaul West run going!

What Do I Need to Do if I Want to Be Listed to Offer This?

If you have the materials needed for the summon ritual fill in the following:

Mount Service Form
  1. Fill in all the information
  2. DONE! Now you wait until someone needs your assistance!

I No Longer Want to Provide the Service!

Mount Service Form
  1. Fill in all the information but select NO for Active
  2. DONE!

That is it, enjoy your Fire Pony!

PS: If you run into any issue contact Bleep on the Warlock Discord.

PPS: Prices are up to the sellers discretion.

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