SOM PVP Frequently Asked Questions
Should I play orc or undead?
Please refer to this document for discussion on the [Orc vs. UD] topic.
Command: !horderacepvp
What is the best Alliance race for PVP?
Gnome. End of story.
Command: !allianceracepvp
What do the classic PvP trinkets do?
PvP Trinket Summary
Obtained at Rank 2 for 1g 50s from the PvP vendor in Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
PvP trinkets in classic do not remove all crowd control effects, each class's trinket can remove a different set of three effects:
- Druid: ❤️ Charm, Fear, Stun
- Hunter: Root, Slow, Stun
- Mage: Fear, Polymorph, Slow
- Paladin: Fear, Polymorph, Stun
- Priest: Fear, Polymorph, Stun
- Rogue: ❤️ Charm, Fear, Polymorph
- Shaman: Root, Slow, Stun
- Warlock: ❤️ Charm, Fear, Polymorph
- Warrior: Root, Slow, Stun
Command: !pvptrinket
What kind of dispels do different classes have?
- Druid: 1 Curse, 1 poison every 2 sec for 8 sec
- Mage: 1 Curse
- Priest: 2 offensive or defensive magics, 1 disease every 5 sec for 20 sec
- Paladin: 1 poison, disease, and magic (defensive)
- Shaman: 2 magic effects (offensive), disease (both instant and over time with totem), poison (both instant and over time with totem)
- Warlock: 1 magic (offensive or defensive) every 8 sec
Command: !dispel
How many wins of WSG or AB do I need to reach exalted?
Warsong Gulch Wins to reach Exalted
Arathi Basin Wins to reach Exalted
This is only counting full wins excluding quests, losses, holiday bonuses, and so on.
How does stealth detection work?
Every 3 points of extra stealth detection above their stealth skill = 1 yard
- Base range = 10 yards
- Goggles = 18 points
- Felhound = 30 points
- Master of Deception rogue talent = -15 points
- Night Elf = -5 points
What should I do against Shadow Reflectors?
Having your spells reflected isn't always a crushing thing to deal with. Against rogues, you can reflect a siphon life to make yourself blind/gouge resistant for 30s and if you get time to shadow ward, it will actually heal you on reflect. Against s-priests or warlocks, you can reflect curse of recklessness to make yourself fear immune. Additionally, they might be immune to shadow, but they won't be immune to grenades, rocket helms, tidal charms, etc.
It's not always easy to respond to one in the heat of the moment (I don't come close to par with responding appropriately to reflector) but it's definitely a good habit to associate class + reflector = response